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Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Social Affairs and Social Security Committee

Type of parliamentary body Multifunctional
Nature Permanent
Related to chambers Althingi
Date of creation ...
Last renewal date
Mandate The Committee deals specifically with the situation of minority groups, such as disabled persons, foreign workers, etc. It has a legislative role and supervises compliance with relevant national and international human rights standards.
Membership Elections to standing committees take place at the beginning of each election period. They reflect roughly the respective parliamentary representation of the various political parties.
Working methods Committees hold meetings in camera. They may request that interested parties or specialists in a matter either submit their opinion in writing or attend certain meetings. When a committee has concluded its discussion of a bill or resolution it delivers a written opinion on how it considers the Althingi should deal with the matter, or separate opinions if the members of the committee are not in agreement. In addition to the views of the committee members, the opinion describes how the committee has dealt with the question. The committee may also include various accompanying documents with its opinion, such as letters from interest groups or ministries. Committee members may decide to submit a bill on behalf of the committee in areas that fall under its jurisdiction. Committees may, furthermore, take up matters on their own initiative other than those referred to them and deliver a report thereupon to the Althingi.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies
Relations with external bodies Formal relationship with government and relevant government bodies. Informal relationship with NGOs. During its examination of legislative bills (government bills or private member's bills) or proposed parliamentary resolutions, the committee may call for opinions from external bodies and invite their representatives to its meetings.
Subjects dealt with New law on protection of children
Main address Althingi
Phone ...
Fax ...
E-mail ...
Website ...
Name Ms. Lilja Mosesdottir
Notes Chairman
Address (if different from above)
Phone ...
Fax ...
E-mail liljam@althingi.is
Website ...
Name Ms. Hildur Eva Sigurdardottir
Notes Secretary, Legal Adviser
Address (if different from above)
Phone ...
Fax ...
E-mail hildureva@althingi.is
web site: ...

Information on this page was last updated on 2 March 2009
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